I’m About Done With Medium, Substack, and NewsBreak

Kristen Kay Brady
3 min read5 days ago

I’m tired of seeing my efforts generate so little money


To say I’m frustrated with my earnings would be an understatement. I’m damn mad.

I put in countless hours on Medium, Substack, and NewsBreak, creating article after article, researching and reading, engaging with, interacting with, and supporting my fellow writers.

And barely seeing any money. I know, I know what you’re gonna say.

Stop chasing the money, and just write.

But the reality is, I use my writing to support my family and get these bills paid. If I can no longer make much money from it, what’s the point?

I had this goal on Medium that I would reach $1000 a month by the end of the year. But instead of rising toward that goal, no matter how much effort I put in, I keep making less and less. It makes it almost impossible to reach that goal.

On Substack, I’ve seen my paid subscriber list go way down. I believe people are trying to cut costs, so they cancel. My own mother has canceled her subscription.

On NewsBreak, I feel censored. They reject the pieces I want to write about…the stuff you wouldn’t normally hear on mainstream media. I don’t want to just regurgitate the same narrative that ran across all news channels. I…

